

Waterbuck are large antelop, the males standing about 1,2m at the shoulder and having a mass of between 250 and 270 Kg. The females are smaller and lighter.

Only the male Waterbok carry horns, which arising from the top oft he head , sweep forward in a curve. They are heavily ringed for about three-quarters of their length, and are smoothtowards the tips.




Waterbuck are found in scrub and savanna areas near water, where they eat grasses. Despite their name, waterbuck do not spend much time in the water, but will take refuge there to escape predators. Males keep territories of around 300 acres during their prime.




Waterbuck are gregarios, usually occuring in small herds of about six to 12 but occasionally in larger herds of up to 30. The social organisation consists of territorial males, nursery herds and bachelor herds.

Adult males do not achieve the necessary physical status to establish and hold a territory until they are five or six years old.

Serious fighting is commoner with waterbuck than ith some other ungulates and can lead tot he death of combatants.



Source: J D Skinner and R H N Smithers the mammals of the southern african subregion, Wikipedia